Friday, December 30, 2011

Winter session 2

 Well, got out again today. Fished with my friend again. I met up with him on one of my favorite stretches on streams. By the time I arrived, he had already got two. This is the first time I fished this area since before the hurricane and snow.  Several areas where changed dramicaly, by the storm. It was ok because it actully made them better. 

 In my rush to get out of the house, I forgot to bring my camera. So no pics.  We fished up through the stretch both getting more then four. The u.v high test hares was the top producer, followed by the fabled wooly bugger. An all black bugger produced very well today. There was many midges hatching, but trout dont rise much on this stream, well at least not for midges.    Looking forward for the warm winter weekend ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm.With no pics!! You now got my brain thinking overtime what exact stream you fished Friday. But with some info in your report, I'm thinking i finally figured it out.
